The Origins 👻 ¿En qué piensas cuando escuchas Halloween? ¿En disfraces y niños pidiendo caramelos, verdad? Te vamos a contar la historia y orígenes de celebrar Halloween. La celebración de Halloween el 31 de octubre proviene del antiguo festival celta de Samhain. Samhain marcaba el Año Nuevo celta y lo celebraban el 1 de noviembre…

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Hello there, I hope you are having a fab (fabulous) week so far.Here is our second weekly Vlog to help English learners like you learn real, relevant and meaningful English. This week’s Roll your English VLOG is all about 4 Common English Expressions or slang (jerga). Expressions and slang help you sound more natural and…

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Hello there! And welcome to our first Roll your English Volg. This VLOG is intended to help learners like you learn real, relevant and meaningful English through our short but very helpful YouTube videos filled with English tips. These English tips will teach you ways that can improve your English speaking skills. We will also…

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