How TO use the word TOO?

20 December 2020

How are you?
Christmas is around the corner! And it’s A BEAUTFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!

Here is our weekly Vlog, helping English learners like you learn real, relevant and meaningful English.

This week’s short and sweet VLOG is all about how to use the word TOO (demasiad@) correctly.  It is another common mistake that we hear every day! 

Start watching or keep reading! 😉 

How do we use TOO: 

  1. Too is used to show excess in a NEGATIVE/CONCERNING way:

    Correct: The chocolate is TOO sweet. The girl is TOO skinny/thin.

    Incorrect: The movie is too funny / The pizza is too delicious  
    SAY: The movie is SO/ REALLY/VERY funny (or the movie is hilarious

  2. Too is ALSO used to express ALSO (tambien):
    “I like chocolate!” “Me too!”
  3. With countable and uncountable nouns:
    There are TOO MANY people (too many = demasiadas)
    There is TOO MUCH milk in my coffee (too much = demasiad@) 

I hope this explanation is not TOO short and it makes sense! 

Remember to go on over to The Conversation Program page and JOIN the FUN! 

Have a wonderful week!  
And remember to keep Rolling your English!

Lindri 🙂 

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Mi nombre es Lindri, fundadora y profesora de Roll your English.

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¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos!

Mi nombre es Lindri, fundadora y profesora de Roll your English.

¡Estamos muy felices de que hayas pasado por aquí! Si está buscando una forma interesante y divertida de ampliar su conocimiento del inglés, ¡deje sus datos y descargue las 20 COMMON English Expressions!


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